Development and Validation of Terrorism Anxiety Scale


  • Neelam Zafar, Wizra Saeed, Nadia Afzal, Noshi Irum Zaman, Aliya Sheeraz


Objective: To develop and validate an indigenously compatible tool in the Urdu language for the assessment of anxiety specifically related to terrorism named the Terrorism Anxiety Scale (TAS).

Design: Cross-sectionalstudy.

Place and Duration of the Study: Sahiwal, Pakistan; December 2014 to September 2016.

Subjects and Method: Psychologists, experts, parents, and students were approached to conduct focus group discussions and interviews with psychologists and security personnel were also done, thus yielding an initial pool of items. A pilot study with 20 participants was conducted. A total of 260 adolescents (Mage=16.9yrs;SD=1.77) were approached for scale administration to assess psychometric properties of internal consistency reliability, 60 participants for convergent validity, and 50 participants for measuring divergent validity were involved.

Results and Conclusion: Two-factor solution was retained after varimax rotation method and internal consistency was observed significantly high. Convergent validity was significantly positive and divergent validity was moderately negative TAS happened to be a psychometrically precise tool for measuring Terrorism anxiety in correspondence with Pakistani culture.




How to Cite

Neelam Zafar, Wizra Saeed, Nadia Afzal, Noshi Irum Zaman, Aliya Sheeraz. (2020). Development and Validation of Terrorism Anxiety Scale. Pakistan Journal of Clinical Psychology, 19(2). Retrieved from